Agricultural sector products

for professional pruning

Pruning shears are an essential tool for any gardener or farmer so choosing the right shears for each need is essential. 

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Pruning scissors are a fundamental tool for gardeners and/or farmers. These tools are used to prune trees, shrubs and plants precisely and accurately, ensuring healthy and vigorous growth.

They come in different shapes and sizes, but those specifically for pruning tall plants are usually larger and sturdier. This is because cutting requires greater physical effort and precision.

Tree pruning shears generally have sharp, durable blades made of carbon steel.

To choose the right shears for your job, consider the size of the branch or branch you need to prune and the amount of work you need to do. If you have to work on large specimens, you may need to use two-handed pruning shears for greater cutting force.

Finally, to keep them in excellent condition, be sure to clean them thoroughly after each use and store them in a dry, safe place. This way, your scissors will always be ready for work and will last a long time.

23,81 26,02  iva inclusa

62,17 75,48  iva inclusa

24,92 27,71  iva inclusa

124,12 138,93  iva inclusa

124,12 132,68  iva inclusa

Telefono: +39 045 512586


Indirizzo: Via Verdi, 21 – 37060 Castel d’Azzano (VR)

Orari di apertura

Lun-Ven: 8.00-12.00 / 14.00-18.00

Phone: +39 045 512586


Address: Via Verdi, 21 – 37060 Castel d’Azzano (VR)

Opening hours

Mon-Fri: 8 a.m.-12 p.m. / 2 p.m.-6 p.m.


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Dear Customers,

We would like to inform you that Kuker will be on summer break until 25 August. During this period, we will gladly accept your orders, but would like to warn you that they will only be processed and shipped from 26 August.

Don’t worry, in the meantime you can still explore our assortment and select your favourite products. We guarantee that we will do our utmost to process all orders as quickly as possible once we are back up and running.

We thank you for your understanding and wish you a wonderful summer!