Tailoring products

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Tailoring scissors are indispensable tools for every expert in the sector. They are designed to cut delicate and thick fabrics with precision, ensuring a flawless finish on garments.

Tailoring scissors are made with high quality materials, such as Aisi 420 stainless steel, characterized by long and sharp blades ideal for quick cuts thanks to the blades that remain parallel to the cutting surface.

They are available in various sizes so as to adapt to the different needs of tailoring work. They have sharp and balanced blades, designed to guarantee a precise and uniform cut on fabrics of varying thickness. Their ergonomic design makes them comfortable to use even for long hours of work.

Tailoring scissors are also a symbol of the craft of tailoring itself. They are often passed down from generation to generation, symbolizing the passage of knowledge and passion for the art of tailoring. As a result, they are a symbol of quality, craftsmanship and tradition, and represent an essential tool for anyone wishing to undertake the craft of tailoring.

This is why we guarantee our utmost quality on any model chosen; however, to keep tailor’s scissors sharp for a long time, and to get the most out of them, they should only be used to cut the specific fabric or material for which they were designed.

14,24 15,98  iva inclusa

Telefono: +39 045 512586

Email: info@kuker.it

Indirizzo: Via Verdi, 21 – 37060 Castel d’Azzano (VR)

Orari di apertura

Lun-Ven: 8.00-12.00 / 14.00-18.00

Phone: +39 045 512586

E-mail: info@kuker.it

Address: Via Verdi, 21 – 37060 Castel d’Azzano (VR)

Opening hours

Mon-Fri: 8 a.m.-12 p.m. / 2 p.m.-6 p.m.


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