a blade for every occasion

Knives are one of the most important tools in the kitchen.

Which type of knife to choose?

Would you like to know which knife is the right knife to use for each situation?

Don’t worry, we’re here to help. Discover our advice on which type of knife to choose for cutting meat, fruit, vegetables and much more. You can rely on the quality of our products to make your work easier and more efficient.

Bread knife

This knife has a serrated blade for easily cutting through bread, pies and other baked goods. Its blade is usually between 20 and 25 centimetres long.

Vegetable knife

This knife has a short, narrow blade, often between 7 and 10 centimetres in length, for slicing and dicing small vegetables such as onions, garlic, carrots and peppers.

Filleting knife

This knife has a thin, flexible blade designed for removing skin and bones from fish, and for filleting meat. Its blade can vary from 15 to 30 centimetres in length.

Cheese knife

This knife has a short, flat blade, often with a rounded tip, which is ideal for cutting both soft and hard cheeses.

Meat cutting knife

This knife has a broad, sturdy blade, often between 20 and 25 centimetres in length, designed to cut through meat precisely and evenly.

Decorating knife

This knife has a short, thin blade with a pointed tip, used for decorating fruit and vegetables, such as for carving carrots or pumpkins for Halloween.

Chopping knife

This knife has a broad, flat blade, often between 15 and 20 centimetres in length, used for chopping herbs and vegetables.

Slicing knife

: This knife has a long, thin blade, often between 25 and 30 centimetres in length, designed for slicing prosciutto ham, cured meats and cooked meats.

Telefono: +39 045 512586

Email: info@kuker.it

Indirizzo: Via Verdi, 21 – 37060 Castel d’Azzano (VR)

Orari di apertura

Lun-Ven: 8.00-12.00 / 14.00-18.00

Phone: +39 045 512586

E-mail: info@kuker.it

Address: Via Verdi, 21 – 37060 Castel d’Azzano (VR)

Opening hours

Mon-Fri: 8 a.m.-12 p.m. / 2 p.m.-6 p.m.


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